Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Weight Thing: An Overview So Far

Twenty days ago, after finding out I couldn't fit in the front of the Hulk rollercoaster at Islands of Adventure, I decided to lose weight.

To that end, I stopped eating french fries and most other fried foods. I drastically reduced my intake of sugary drinks. And I started walking more.

I won't use a scale, because that's not what I'm measuring for. I care about getting the gut smaller. I don't need a scale for that.

Here's what I can say after twenty days: The gut IS smaller. Overall, I feel better and more energetic. I've got things stressing me out and on a couple of occasions during this first period I've had some backsliding because of that. But, generally, I think I've adapted all right to this new lifestyle.

Things I need to do better:

* Keep good snacks at work and at home more often. (Yogurt, fruit, etc.)
* Stretch before walking to prevent tendon issues.
* More tea, less soda (even diet).

1 comment:

DragonWarden said...

I've heard that warming up a little is "safer" than stretching before an event in which you plan to exert yourself more than usual. Stretching before your body is warmed up can strain the very parts you're trying to loosen up. (Or so it's claimed.)

Regardless, I tend to spend 5-10 mins doing a *really* easy, loose and swinging walking pace before I do a little bit of light stretching and then jog. :P I figure it covers all my bases while all the science-types are still arguing over each method's merits.