Saturday, November 8, 2008

Something a little scary

I was listening to CSPAN yesterday when a McCain voter called in to say the following things:

* Our founding fathers only intended for white people to govern the United States.
* Now that an African-American has won, we've entered some kind of political Bermuda Triangle where bad things might happen.

First of all, while I don't disagree that the founding fathers probably didn't envision the country being run by anyone but white men, they DID write that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. So, suck it up, supremacists.

Second, I have to wonder just what the hell this guy thinks is going to happen now that Barack Obama has become President-Elect or after he officially takes office in January? Does he think Obama is going to declare it's payback time and make an executive order to enslave all white people?

For heaven's sake, folks, get a grip. Obama got elected by a broad spectrum of people, including a lot of caucasians, and it's the height of paranoia and hysteria to start panicking about this sort of thing.

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