This show about awkward teenage performers already won me over with its off-kilter premise before I saw it. But now, every week, I watch it for pretty much one reason: Sue Sylvester. In this episode, she demonstrated why on every front she's my favorite character. She's clever, crafty, wicked, spiteful ... and, deep down, desperate to win the approval and admiration of, well, everybody. I mean, she even lies about her age TO HER DIARY! And she gets the best lines, delivered with absolute deadpan, about how she was born in the Panama Canal zone, never got a passport, but ran for office twice.
Her machinations during this episode made the weird love quadrangle between Will, Terri, Emma, and the coach much more interesting than it usually is. And now she's co-coordinator of Glee Club from now on? Hooked already, but really hooked now.
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