So here's the premise of this week's episode:
A crazy U.S. military commander turns former soldiers into human bombs to blow up in train stations, apparently as a means of thwarting the weird bald guy who likes to over-pepper his food.
First wha-?! moment: Astrid pulls up an FBI file on an unusual bombing in a Philadelphia train station that just happened. REALLY? It wasn't on CNN? Or Fox News? It's not HUUUUUGE news when a U.S. transportation center gets bombed? REALLY?!
Second wha-?! moment: The FBI Interwebz file says "No signs of explosive residue." The highly trained crime scene techs fail to notice the bits and pieces of organic shrapnel sticking out of everybody in the place, but Crazy Doc and Pacey? They're on the case!
Third wha-?! moment: The FBI can track a soldier to her *cab* while she's traveling under an alias, but the mysterious colonel can't be found unless they somehow triangulate his signal. And yet, with only seconds to spare after the triangulator is jammed, Pacey is able to pick him out through a potted fern.
Jesus H. Bojiggedy Boogers Christ, show. I want to love you. Stop the stupid.
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