Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Short Attention Span Review: "LOST" 3/18


Funniest moment I've seen on LOST in a long time: Sun standing over Ben after whalloping him unconscious with a paddle, and Lupidus says, "I thought you trusted him." Her answer: "I lied." GOLD. Sun has come a long way since the first days on the beach after the crash of Flight 815.

I'm still a little dazed and confused by all the time travel jibber-jabber - some people are in the 21st Century and some are back in the Dharma Disco Days. But what I do know is: Sun came on strong, Sawyer has really evolved into an awesome leader (and calling Jack out for being more "reactive" in his leadership style was terrific), and Kate barely said a word.

Oh, the other great moment: Hurley, upon hearing they're in 1977. "Uh...I...what?"

My love for this show has been renewed all over again. If only Heroes could pull off a similar trick.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Hey. Visiting on the recommendation of DomesticMuse. LOST is one of my favorite shows and I completely agree with you about Sun! Loved her even more in this moment. When she hit Ben with that oar, first I jumped from the shock of it and then I cheer from sheer joy! You go girl!