Sunday, March 8, 2009

Short Attention Span Review: "Dollhouse" 3/6

Karen winced at the crappy "Taffy" dialogue as delivered by Eliza Dushku, safecracker extraordinaire, in this episode. I assured her the problem wasn't the dialogue - it was the actress.

Well, wouldn't you know it, we got to find out! Taffy gets a mindwipe in the middle of the job, so they have to imprint Echo's gal pal. So, we get to hear a different actress utter the dialogue.

Yeah. It didn't get any better. Sorry, Eliza. My bad. The lines were just awful.

Also, when Topher asked Dewitt if he was fired, the answer totally should have been: "Yes." He must have heaps of bad information about her if she's willing to keep his incompetent ass around.

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