Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Short Attention Span Review: "24" 3/23

Quite a bit going on in this episode.

Enjoyed seeing Jack struggle with the choice between saving Security Guard Trip and letting him die.

And I thought it was almost laughable that Jack ended up pulling an Indiana Jones, grabbing control of the truck carrying the bioweapon - complete with the scene where he yanks out the driver and sends him rolling on the road. I expected to see a bunch of black-faced commandos crawling along the big crate to attack him!

But now Jack might actually be in peril thanks to inhaling what I guess was not, in fact, Glade air freshener.

However, as much good as there was in this episode, I just have to call SHENANIGANS! These Starkwood guys were ready to put a bullet in Security Guard Trip, but took *Tony* - an ACTUAL THREAT - hostage?


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