Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Leech & Order!

So, I woke up this morning from a rather odd dream.

I was one of the cops on the original Law & Order TV show. We were investigating a woman's death. She had died from an overdose of South American amphetamine beans. Our investigation took us to a Studio 54-like night club run by an actor who looked a lot like Jimmy Fallon. The floor was littered with bright green bean husks and small black leeches (some of them quite plump). It turns out, people would come to the night club to get high on the beans and then used the leeches to bleed out impurities from their system. Jimmy Fallon manager was dealing the beans and leeches.

As we were leaving the club, I discovered a leech latched onto my stomach. I tugged at it, but without much grace. The body popped off, but the head was still hooked in. Blurgh. But I got clever! I picked up another leech, attached it to the head of the other one, and it started sucking enthusiastically. This caused the head of the first leech to release and both fell off.

Then I woke up.

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