Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Short Attention Span Review: "LOST" 4/29

On one hand, this was a Daniel Faraday-focused episode with nice little fiddly-bits calling back to previous episodes, which was cool.

On the other hand, this was a Daniel Faraday-focused episode without a whole lot that was new except for The Gang hanging out in Sawyer's crib talking about what to do now that they've got Phil stuck in a closet. And, I have to admit - maybe I was just tired from a long work day - I fell asleep during most of those parts and the parts with Desmond and Penny in the hospital. Karen says I was snoring. I can't deny it.

I was awake for the last three minutes, though.

Damn. Faraday's Mom really is a cold-hearted wench.

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