Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Short Attention Span Review: "Fringe" 4/21

I'm not entirely sure I know exactly what's going on in the wake of the latest episode of Fringe. All I can say with a certainty is: Damn, that was good television. I haven't seen The Happening. I've only heard horror stories about grass and trees turning evil and M. Night Shamalamadingdong. But this episode of Fringe felt to me like The Happening SHOULD have been.

The whole reverse empath thing was great. I thought for sure it would turn into some twisted rendition of R.E.M.'s "Everybody Hurts" video, with all the people following Michael Stipe to the top of a building and jumping off.

The dialogue and character development were great. I continue to think of Walter Bishop as one of the best-written (and portrayed) characters on TV these days.

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