Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Farewell to Rock Band?

Karen and Stefan got me a Best Buy gift card for Christmas. It's been sitting in my wallet, untouched, for more than a month!

Well, tonight I splurged and ordered Guitar Hero World Tour because, to put it simply, I'm a little tired of Rock Band and I *much* prefer the songs available on Guitar Hero. (Karen does too - she likes some Cheap Trick songs, but if she hears "Hello, Hello!" one more time, she might take a hatchet to the new TV.)

Besides: I don't have the coordination for drumming and I'm too self-conscious to sing.

So, sometime this weekend, I should be jamming to the Eagles and Bob Seger for a change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't listen to him about rock band-- he "only" gets 90% on the drum parts, and he can pretty much sing ANYTHING.