Friday, May 1, 2009

Short Attention Span Review: "X-MEN Origins: Wolverine"

I went into this movie expecting to groan and grumble my way through it, just like I did during X-MEN 3.

I didn't.

I really had a good time watching this movie. I was even cheering for the cheesy leap-through-the-air-to-impale-the-helicopter moment because of the bad stuff that preceded it.

It's a big comic book action movie. Great fights, cool explosions, and lots of Hugh Jackman doing the snarly, SNIKT-y thing. Plus Gambit and a game of spot-the-future-mutants!

Oh, and Liev Schreiber did a great job too.

The fight with Deadpool reminded me a lot of Phantom Menace's Jedi vs. Sith battle...if Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon wanted each other dead.

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