Friday, May 15, 2009

Short Attention Span Review: "Lost" 5/13

I've had a couple of days to process the finale of LOST. I think I've finally found a succinct way to encapsulate my feelings about it:


I didn't hate it. I didn't love it. It had some great moments punctuated by long periods of not much going on.

Most egregious issue, in my opinion: Jack and Sawyer taking five for some manly grappling and slapping in the woods while Sayid bleeds to death in the van.

Best moment: Sawyer's horrified anguish after Juliette plunged down into the pit.

Worst moment: First-scene revelation that this island is home to some ancient battle between a rogue from Deadwood and an asshat from Dexter.

Season Six really needs to wrap this up nicely. So far, I'm skeptical.

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