Thursday, May 7, 2009

Short Attention Span Review: "LOST" 5/6

In this episode, it's all Richard Alpert, ALL THE TIMES! In 1977, he's tagging along with Jack on a Locke-esque field trip to find a hydrogen bomb and try to stop Oceanic Flight 815 from ever crashing. In 2007, he's grumpy to see the Real Locke return to lead the huddled Other masses on a crusade to kill the mysterious Jacob.

Meanwhile, Kate knows she'll just end up in prison if Jack succeeds with Operation Big Bam Boom, so she ditches him. But Sayid shows up to help, so the competence of that team just skyrocketed!

Sawyer and Juliette spend the episode tied up, while Stuart channels Jack Bauer A LOT. And then they're off on the sub in a really cheesy CGI shot, with Kate, so you know that trip back to Ann Arbor is going to be LOOOONNNNNGGGGG, except that you also know there's no way in hell that sub is really taking anyone to Ann Arbor.

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