Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Weeds 7/6

I'm sort of baffled by this episode, mostly because it didn't really make much logical sense. At all. Yes, it was funny but:

* I just can't buy Nancy's decision not just to move in with crazy Mexican murder-man, but also to take her SON, who she spent part of the episode trying to redeem from an impending life of gangster living.
* And I can't buy Nancy's willingness to let Celia walk away with a cell phone full of dead fridge guy shots. Seriously? That's just stupid.
* I had a knee-jerk peeve about the portrayal of the MMO gamer woman from the bank being a crazy virgin. Not all of us are virgins!

Sorry, show. Fewer plots this week, which was a plus. But...c'mon. Get better.

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