...is an overblown Bill Clinton contradiction in terms.
I'm a registered Democrat, I'm relatively liberal-minded, but I have never believed in the idea of a "vast right-wing conspiracy" as touted by the Clintons. Ever. Conspiracies are secretive by nature. No one ever made a secret out of working against the Clintons. Nor, despite his latest claims, has there been any subterfuge involved in the campaign against President Obama's health care plan.
Saying it's a "vast right-wing conspiracy" requires an underestimation of the Republican party's long-standing expertise at tearing down their opponents. It wasn't a "vast left-wing conspiracy" that got Barack Obama elected. It was an organized Democratic effort.
Give credit where it's due and don't resort to scare tactics. I didn't like it coming from Republicans. I don't like it coming from Democrats, either.